The movie that my group created is called Crash directed by Steven Spielberg starring John Travolta as Nick Redkin, Pam Grier as Janice Templeton and Robert De Niro as Ted Gretch. The studio that we chose was Universal Studios because Steven Spielberg had done a lot of movies with them so we thought it would be a good fit.
Crash is about a race car driver named Nick Redkin (John Travolta) who is the best race car driver in NASCAR. He is a huge douche and has everything he wants but nothing he really needs. Everything changes when his race car crashes and is carried off to the hospital unconscious. He wakes up in the hospital to see a beautiful nurse named Janice Templeton (Pam Grier) and he instantly falls in love with her. Once he is rehabilitated, he starts to notice physical differences. He starts to see ripples in the sky that look like someone is scratching the sky but he just blames it on the head injury and dismisses them. He pursues Janice and he falls even more deeply in love with her. He eventually proposes to her and she accepts, but on their wedding day Nick passes out and wakes up in Heaven where he sees flashbacks of the crash and him in the hospital and he comes to the conclusion that he his dead. He then sees Ted Gretch (Robert De Niro) and Ted tells him that everything that happened after the crash was just a dream and it was what could be. This makes him apreciate everything that he had and that he needs to change. He begs Ted to give him a second chance to go back down to earth to be with Janice. He then blacks out again and wakes up in the hopital where his family is gathered all around him but all he sees is Janice. Knowing that she doesn't remember anything he kisses her and they fall in love all over again. The End!
We decided to rate this film R because of the sexual content between Travolta and Grier as well as violence and a lot of swearing. Our focus was Cinematography and our cinematographer is Robert Surtees. We thought he would be a good fit because he filmed the movie The Sting and the sting and Crash have similar surprise endings so we needed someone who knew how to work the camera so the viewer doesn't know until the end.
Why these actors? We picked Travolta because we needed someone young and handsome who can play the part of a cocky race car driver. Up until this point he has only been in TV shows so this movie is his big break. We chose Pam Grier because we needed a young beautiful actress. She had been in multiple movies before Crash like Foxy Brown, and Black Mama,White Mama. We chose Robert De Niro becasue he is a very experienced actor up until this point having being in The Godfather II, Bloody Mama, and Hi Mom!
If I were doing this project myself i probably would have changed the story a little differently. Instead of having him instantly fall in love with Pam Grier I would have had him fall in love with her over a period of time so when he goes up to heaven he finally realizes what he misses most and how he shold appreciate what he has.
Hi Emily,
ReplyDeleteGood ideas here, and I like that you included a lot of info toward the end. To me, the story seems more '80s than '70s-- it's sort of a "happily ever after" type of feel. A few more details would have helped with your explanations. Good work though.