The movie that I am choosing for the Review of the Reviews is The Help. Based on the book by Kathryn Stockett, it stars Emma Stone, Viola Davis, and Octavia Davis and is about three women in Mississippi during the 1960's who decide to write a book showing the racism and how maids are really treated working for these white families in the south. They form an unlikely friendship and support each other through hard times as they take on the challenge of getting equal rights for the help.
Jason Best from Movie Talk ( gave a positive review. The structure of the review starts with the plot and then an analysis of the characters and how they contribute to the film. Jason Best uses the points of how humor is used through the characters to make you root for certain characters. The tone of the review is light hearted with comments that say "you will get it when you see it" and sly jokes that say "I know something you don't know." He uses plays on words that have hidden meanings that only someone could understand if they had seen the movie. He focuses mostly on the stars and how they did a really good job. There were no references to other film directors or stars.
Ben Sachs from the Chicago Reader ( gave a negative review of The Help. The structure of the review starts off with the plot from the movie and then an analysis on the characters. He talks about how he thinks that there are "no real characters" and that it wasn't appropriate to the theme. The tone of the review was tough and sarcastic. The vocabulary was used to accentuation that he does not like the movie at all. He mostly focuses on the theme and characters. He references the movie O Brother, Where Art Thou? and how they both are "handsome to look at".
One point from Jason Best's review that i agree with is "The Help paints its characters, black and white alike, with a very broad bush, but the superb ensemble cast invest their parts with soul and sass." I agree with this because I believe that the actresses did a really good job of showing the characters.
Pretending that I have never seen the movie I would probably believe the review written by Ben Sachs because it was very well written and talks about more things about the movie and points on why he did not like the movie. He talks about points about the quality of the movie and how there aren't really characters. Even though I love the movie, if i had not seen it yet his would be the one I believed because it was very well written.
If I were to write a film review about The Help I would definitely include how the actresses did a very well job becoming their character and showing how they think that they believed the character would act. I would also include how powerful the movie is and how it makes you want to cry one minute and laugh the next. I would definitely talk about how it closely followed the book but how you can understand everything that is going on without having to read the book. I would leave out how it is kinda slow at some parts and you are kind of thinking ion some parts for it to move on and get to the good stuff.
Good job Emily. If you can expand on your points even more and provide more examples, that'd be great: A.