This Means War is a romantic comedy and was directed by Timothy Dowling and stars Chris Pine, Reese Witherspoon and Tom Hardy. Tuck (Hardy) and FDR (Pine) are CIA partners and would take a bullet for each other until they both unknowingly fall in love with the same girl: Lauren (Witherspoon). They both agree that they will both date her and let her decide. Obviously as Tuck and FDR fall more in love with Lauren they try and sabotage each other and ultimately ruin their friendship. Lauren, oblivious to the fact that FDR and Tuck are friends, she vents to her friend about who to choose which Tuck and FDR are listening in on (obviously because they are secret agents). As the movie goes on she finds out that they are friends and feels like they played her. But what good romantic comedy doesn't have some danger? Of course because they are CIA agents they have enemies and then comes the damsel in distress.
This movie is very funny and cheeses but not so cheesy that you can't even watch it. This movie reminded me of the romantic comedy Killers directed by Bob DeRosa. Killers is about a woman who unknowingly marries an ex CIA agent and when someone want to kill him they have to go on the run. It has pretty much the same plot and the humor is exactly the same. They even have the same type of protagonists. Both have a pretty blonde and a buff handsome guy(s). The action hits extremely hard and is very fast paced with quick cuts and its hard to tell sometimes who is who whats happening where but the camera always seemed to be in the right place to get the best view of whats happening so that helps a little. The story is very predictable and the only thing that was a surprise was who she picked at the end. They did a good job of not making any hints to who she is going to choose so it a nice surprise.
I gave this three and a half stars because even though it was kinda generic and cheesy it was very funny and is a good movie to watch when you need a good laugh. People who would like this movie are people who liked Killers, Knight and Day, The Tourist, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, The Recruit, and Charlies Angels.